Saturday, 20 March 2010

As well as pink flamingos i also love and sell snowmingos, i could just see these at a marque wedding, my pink ones have been sold all over the world and have been to glastonbury(more than i have) on photo fashion shoots, in films, one guy hired 40 for his wifes birthday party. they are such fun, unpretentious kitsch.
Walter, sidney and percy are my three lovely gnomes with glittery beards and a love heart logo on each one
i love gnomes especially vintage ones and my ever growing collection will soon be needing a bigger garden.
the three above are 9" tall and sell for £9.99 each on ebay and my website along with my wonderful pinkj plastic flamingos

Friday, 19 March 2010

chenille speel

Im really enjoying creating with chenille pipe cleaners and can recommend them as a great craft medium

At the moment im making vintage style chenille bunny picks that i sell on ebay and easter cards

The cards are made from a vintage scrap and have chenille ears attached